About Me

I am 32 years young, mad mummy of 3 (10, 17 &19), wife to Paul (for 10 years), new qualified Learning Disabilities Nurse and owner of lots of animals!

Saturday 1 May 2010

procrastination is my middle name!

you name it, I'll do it to get out of studying!

yup, I'm even writing this as a way of avoiding the books...

Exams are on the 10th and 12th of this month (eep!), Physiology I'm not too worried about, I got 88% on my last exam and we only need an aggregate of 40% between the 2 to pass the exam component - so in theory, I can actually skip the exam and still pass the module - not that I will, of course, but it does take a whole lotta weight off the shoulders when you know you passing the module doesn't rely on passing that one exam.

Psychology is a whole other kettle of fish all together, of course I've now pretty much got 2 of the topics revised due to covering them in the presentation and the essay, but that still leaves another 20 topics to revise - sounds a lot but most of them overlap a fair amount. but it's one of those subjects where there's no real obvious starting point, so I am really struggling to get started on it.

I also don't know how much of my pass mark is riding on this exam - our presentation was worth 20% of the total assessment, we got 68%, which is 13.6% of the 20%) but because I've still yet to get my essay back (which is worth 30% of the total assessment) I can't work out how well I need to do in this exam in order to pass... though I need a min of 40% to pass the exam component anyway....

I woke this morning at 6:50am, Caelan was throwing a hissy fit. he lost a tooth yesterday (his 5th!) and he'd obviously got it into his head that his tooth fairy leaves him computer games, not money - so when he woke to find money... he was NOT happy! I was never hugely happy about him being given one to start with as I knew this would happen - that he'd start expect a game every time he lost a tooth, but what do I know? not only am I a mum but I'm a nursery nurse, I know how kiddies minds work. now I know the going rate for the tooth fairy is quite a bit more than when I was a kid... but still - it's not quite at the level of how much a brand new game is worth!

so yeah, great start to the weekend.

got a letter through today from the doctors, I've got my next thyroid blood test this coming weds! how bloody typical is that? I bet I'll be jumping with energy- polar opposite to how I was last week, but I will fill in the HCA about the symptoms, and I hope that along with my bloods, even if they do just come back borderline again, will be enough for the doc to prescribe me something this time.

I got up feeling not too bad this morning, after nearly being snapped in 2 yesterday at Zumba, that was until I crouched down to pick something up and my inner thighs went "OMFG owowowowowowowow!" so I've been stretching them on and off throughout the day and they're gradually easing up. though the first time i stretched, both my hips and both my knees clicked! was NOT a good sound! lol I took a bath (I was never a bath person before I started Zumba, ya know!) and that helped loosen my muscles a bit.

the day has sped by, I'm now going to have to think about starting dinner...

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