About Me

I am 32 years young, mad mummy of 3 (10, 17 &19), wife to Paul (for 10 years), new qualified Learning Disabilities Nurse and owner of lots of animals!

Friday 14 May 2010

Zumba day! wahoo!

i know, hugely sad I'm getting so excited about a fitness class - but I love it, ok?

I'm gonna have to remember I don't need to pick Mel up on my way to class today, it's pretty much autopilot now to head to hers before class... she's still going, just she's meeting me in town.

I really hope Lyna likes her top, I am so chuffed with it - I took a bit of a risk but I think it really paid off.

discovered a chip in my windscreen yesterday when I was washing my car :( though hardly surprising with all the grit that's been chucked about the roads this past winter... wonder how long it's been there and I've not noticed?

Was quite miffed off yesterday, was washing my car and was intending on cleaning it inside and out, just to discover that when emptying the cylinder, one of the boys must have chucked the filter away with it! so my car is lovely and clean on the outside, but inside is still pretty much dog hairs galore!

I had intended on taking my car up to Uni on monday and then going via the southern general to find out where I can park on my way back home, but Paul's booked the windscreen repair guy in for monday morning, so I'm probably gonna have to bus it and go to the southern another day, don't fancy taking the picasso into Glasgow!

Oh I had a giggle yesterday - knock at the door at about 1pm, environmental health! apparently someone has put in a complaint about our back garden!
complaint consisted of:
lawn not mowed for over 3 years - overgrown and filled with weeds
dog mess everywhere
rubbishing lying everywhere attracting rodents

the guy said straight up that whether we choose to mow our lawn or not is no-one's business bar our own, and it's our own private property so we can allow our dogs to foul in it, the only thing they have any say in is if there are vermin as a result of rubbish.

the guy was in the back garden all of 30 seconds to see that the complaint was completely unfounded.

yes we have several bins (the 4 from the council and 2 compost bins) but all are covered bar the tins/bottles box- but then only clean stuff goes in there. I have never seen any evidence of rats or mice or any other creepie crawly for that matter. the only 4 legged creatures in our garden are the 2 dogs, the ferret on occasion, and the once in a while visit from the local hedgehog!

the guy couldn't see any obvious dog fouling.

Paul explained that grass seeds were down, hence the lawn not having been cut in a while - the near on 2 months of a foot of snow really did our lawn in, but as already said - EH have no jurisdiction in weeds or lawns. yes it's not been cut in a while, maybe a few months coz the weather's been crap - but 3 YEARS?! seriously?!

so, the guy was bearly even here a minute before he was away again happy that our garden wasn't cause to give us an asbo or anything, lmao! he was apologising a lot, but said since the complaint had been put in they had to investigate it.

the complaint was anonymous, but considering there's only 3 houses which can see our back garden.....

oh well.

so yeah, Zumba today :) Lauren's not coming afterall, she's have problems sleeping and isn't feeling great, so it's just gonna be tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee today :)

my face is a mess today, the stress of the past week or so has evidently caught up with me- urgh, 28 and still getting spots....

anyway - off for my shower and get ready for class :)

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