About Me

I am 32 years young, mad mummy of 3 (10, 17 &19), wife to Paul (for 10 years), new qualified Learning Disabilities Nurse and owner of lots of animals!

Wednesday 12 May 2010

last exam... EVER!


one of the benefits of LD branch nursing at Caley is that after sem B of 1st year, there are NO MORE EXAMS!

sem C we have 1 written assignment and in years 2 and 3 it's all essays and assignments :)

So... i was staying at my friends, Mary's, last night - I went over there yesterday morning so we could do some revision together.

I was in a bad way.

I was panicking, big style!

when I panic, I usually silently internally panic - I just glaze over, stare off into the distance and my brain goes completely blank.

my confidence had really been knocked by getting a mark on my essay significantly lower than I had anticipated, and I really got it into my head that althought I thought I knew what I was doing, I really didnt, so was sure to fail the exam.

everyone kept saying to me about PMA, that those who envision success are more likely to attain it... and I just wanted to cry and shout at them that they had no idea how much stuff we had to try to remember!

to top it off, I had to miss Zumba, which REALLY got me down, I so could have done with a Zumba buzz last night. sounds as if I missed a really good class :(

looking at the past papers was totally freaking me out, but when Mary was just simply reading out the qs, I was managing a lot better - so eventually, after hours and hours, I finally began to come around to the idea that maybe I did know something.

I didn't sleep all that great last night, so I woke this morning tired and sore.

off we went for our exam, loads of people were doing last second cramming, but I've never been one for that - it just reminds me of what I don't know and freaks me out even more!

the paper consisted of 30 multiple choice... something like 11 fill-in-the-blanks and 4 from a choice of 10 short notes.

the multiple choice I got through pretty easily, I lucked out on quite a lot, that they happened to be unusual things I'd noticed when revising, there was only about 2 I really was unsure about but had educated guesses on, but generally finished that part really quite happy with my answers.

fill-in-the-blanks, again, went pretty smoothly, a couple I just had zero idea about so just put down anything, but I'm pretty confident I got at least half right.

short notes went... OK - not great, but I put down what i could remember for my chosen topics and left it at that, even if I just get 2 or 3 marks from each (worth 10 each) then I should have passed the exam relatively well - though I'm not building my hopes up that I've done spectacularly or anything, as long as I get 35% I'll be happy, well- I wont, but I'll be happy to have passed to module and not have to do a resit!

afterwards was the usual "ooh what did you put for XYZ?!" I never take part in that, it's not productive in the slightest.

so all in all i came out the exam feeling a HELL of a lot better than when i went in! a couple of days ago I actually thought I would break down into tears in the exam, so I was pleasantly surprised to find I coped quite well! I actually finished the exam with 40 minutes to spare (it wass a 2hr exam), but to be fair, some people started leaving as soon as the mandatory first 40mins had passed!

the general consensus on FB afterwards was that it was no-where near as bad as anticipated, and most of those who went in sure they'd fail came out reasonably confident of a pass.

we've got our next placements through, finally, we only start next tuesday! - I'm at the southern general hospital on the physical disability rehab unit, should be interesting!

and now... I'm shattered - I'm gonna be really rock'n'roll tonight and have a wee glass of wine then head for bed early, Caelan's got his class assmebly at 9:10 tomorrow morning... then I've got a productive day of getting Lyna's top finished planned :)

and then of course, Zumba on friday! I am SO gonna enjoy it! :)

it feels so good being able to smile again :)

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