About Me

I am 32 years young, mad mummy of 3 (10, 17 &19), wife to Paul (for 10 years), new qualified Learning Disabilities Nurse and owner of lots of animals!

Monday 10 May 2010


quite a day today.

had my 2nd physiology exam this morning, it went quite well - it was an hr long but I was pretty much done after 25mins, just 3 questions I was totally stumped on so just made some 'educated' guesses.

I wasn't too worried about it, as I've mentioned before I passed my 1st one so well that I could technically have skipped this exam and still passed, but of course I wouldn't do that.

there were once again a lot of empty seats in the exam room - i just don't understand some people...

we then went and got our psychology essay results, I didn't do all that great, but then I wasn't expecting to - I really did struggle with that essay and I knew handing it in that it wasn't going to get me a brilliant mark... but I passed, and at the end of the day that's all that matters. Tutor said it was well done, just needed more detail (but then, the word limit was 1000 words, so quite limited!) she's also said in the past not to expect marks the same way as in nursing, she said it's rare for people to get in the 70's and even then it has to be a bloody spectacular piece of work - so to consider the 50's and 60's to be more equivilant to the 70's and 80's in nursing essay standards.

the exam is freaking everyone out. our tutor says she's no reason to believe we wont do well in it as we evidently know our stuff from our participation in class, but the knowing how stuff applies in real life practice is quite different to trying to remember names of theorists, names of theories, what the actual theory is etc etc - it's a whole other kettle of fish!

me and Mary went for a walk around the shops afterwards where I picked up the top I'm going to modify for Lyna, and then to brewhaha for a nice cuppa - they do tea properly in there - loose leaf - it's so nice! it's our wee treat after we've had a hard day or are celebrating something. We both bought teabags from there- it's £4 for 50, but they're SO nice - I swear once you've had proper tea from there you realise just how crap normal tea is!

anyway - enough procrastination for just now - on with the psychology revision - God help me I'm gonna need all the help i can get with this exam!

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