About Me

I am 32 years young, mad mummy of 3 (10, 17 &19), wife to Paul (for 10 years), new qualified Learning Disabilities Nurse and owner of lots of animals!

Friday 28 May 2010

many apologies!

I have been so slack with this blog of late, I've just been so busy with placement and uni work that I really have hardly had a minute to myself.

placement is still going really good, I'm being given more and more responsibilities as the days pass, which is kinda scary!

had moving and handling training today, slings and hoists and other moving aids. it's kinda been annoying coz i know how to use slings and hoists from my work, but because I hadn't had NHS training, I couldn't use them while on placement, but now I can! yay!

it very quickly became obvious that we weren't gonna be getting out before 12:15, despite the lady running it saying about getting started earlier and finishing earlier, it got to 11:45 and we still hadn't had our practical session so I kinda knew then that I wouldn't be getting to zumba... by the time we got out Mel was pretty much arriving at class so was able to pass on that I wouldn't be able to make it.

I took a leisurely drive down to ayr once training was done, arrived at about 1:30 and parked outside the dance studios around the back initially, the windows to the studio were open and the music was blaring and I could hear Lyna barking orders which made me giggle lol

I then moved around to the front of the studio and waited for the class to finish, I was picking Mel up and dropping Lyna the top she'd given me to cut up, which I think she liked. there was yet more comments on me making them and selling them - I just really wish I had the time! at the mo I'm pretty much at placement, travelling or doing Uni paperwork, and when I'm not doing any of those - I'm sleeping! I don't want to start making promises to people when i have no idea of when I'll be able to fulfill them. as it stands at the mo the only reason I did Lyna's this week was because she actually gave me the top.

She called me a freak of nature... I'm still not sure how to take that! lol

I'm going to be going nearly 2 weeks without a class - it's gonna be a real shock to the system when I go back! esp as Lyna seems to take great delight in pushing me that little bit more each and every class I go to!

was nice having a catch up with Mel, I wont be seeing her until next Friday so it was nice to get a good natter, we sat about in the car for a fair while after class finished while she had her soup and then headed off home.

I am so amazingly tired - really think I'm gonna need to go for a lie down before i develop a headache, i'm just kinda reluctant considering the last time i went for a wee lie down at this time it was 3am when I woke up! lol

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