About Me

I am 32 years young, mad mummy of 3 (10, 17 &19), wife to Paul (for 10 years), new qualified Learning Disabilities Nurse and owner of lots of animals!

Sunday 6 June 2010

sleep, travel, placement, travel and repeat!

that has pretty much been my week so far, up at 4:40, out the house for just before 5:50, drive to placement, work for 12 1/4hrs, travel home and pretty much fall straight back into bed!

this week I had 4 shifts on the trot and really, come the end of the 4th day, my brain had given up.

I am loving my placement still - really feel as though I'm getting into the swing of it now, I'm getting to know the routine of the place, what I can and can't do, what the different abilities of most of the patients are - i'm getting into the swing of the drugs cart and am slowly learning about what the different drugs are for.

I've done more injections than I can keep track of! lol

the downside to placement (apart from the not seeing the family between shifts!) is the fact I've not been getting to my Zumba classes - last monday i got let out at just gone 6 and if I'd had my stuff with me I prob could have made the Ayr class by the skin of my teeth... I think I might keep my stuff in the car just in case from now on. it depends which staff are on, some are happy to send us packing as soon as it starts quietening down for the evening, whereas others keep us there to the end.

but I got to class on friday - yeah I probably wasn't really in any fit state considering how many shifts I'd worked and how little I'd slept, but ah well :)

had a fab time, but OMG what a class to go back to after not having been in nearly 2 weeks! so many new routines! to be honest come about 40 mins in i'm not sure if my legs were doing anything close to what they were supposed to be doing lol didn't help Lyna was yelling at me to move faster during the mad jumpy song which I really don't like! lmao! come the cool down I was more than ready for it, and considering I'd not been to a class in 2wks and really not done any stretching in between, I still managed to bend myself in half without much problem :)

anyway - i've got loads to crack on with - got some reading up to do before going out with the community physical disability nurse on tues and really really need to get more cleanliness champions done (urgh...)

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