About Me

I am 32 years young, mad mummy of 3 (10, 17 &19), wife to Paul (for 10 years), new qualified Learning Disabilities Nurse and owner of lots of animals!

Monday 26 April 2010

wha th huh? I'm up! I'm up!

I hate it when you wake with a start - I'm so not used to it anymore, I have one of those alarm clocks with the light that slowly turns on simulating the sun rise. last winter when i was still working I was finding it really hard getting up in the mornings with just a normal alarm clock blaring in my ear - it's just totally not a natural way to wake up! since getting my all singing, all dancing, Wake-Up Light I've been so much better at getting up in the mornings.... I'm actually waking long before the radio goes off.

Dunno why I woke with a start today, I need to go into Uni to hand in my essay (yup, an 80 mile round journey just to hand in an 1500 word essay! fan-bloody-tastic huh?) but other than that i've got nothing urgent going on today that caused me to wake so suddenly.

I suppose I better get a move on - I said to Mary I'd pop by hers as well (she lives only a few mins drive from the uni) and I don't wanna be arriving at dinner time! lol

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