About Me

I am 32 years young, mad mummy of 3 (10, 17 &19), wife to Paul (for 10 years), new qualified Learning Disabilities Nurse and owner of lots of animals!

Thursday 10 February 2011

Zumba Toning!

well I thought considering I wrote a post to describe my first Zumba class, i'd also write one about my first Toning class.

it's quite hard to explain really, in some ways it's quite similar to standard Zumba, but in others it's very different.

the basic steps are the same, but you use weights (zumba toning sticks - think dumb-bells crossed with maracas!) within the routines and the routines are specifically geared towards toning rather than fat burning, so the tracks are slightly slower paced.

I haven't been to a class in over 3 weeks, I've not even had chance to break out my DVDs or the xbox game - first Caelan was ill, then I was ill and then i had to spend a week and a half catching up on all the uni work i'd missed being ill... it's quite annoying considering i did so well over x-mas and new year, ate well, kept active etc etc

anyway- needless to say I wasn't on top form... ha, that's putting it lightly - i haven't felt so uncoordinated in a LONG time, and at some points i really did start to struggle.

there is a brilliant atmosphere in the class (maybe it's to do with the fact that the class is just solely the hardcore Zumba nutjobs?!) there always is anyway, but again, in the toning class it's the same but different to the standard Zumba class. it's hard to describe, you just have to be there to feel it I guess.

the class is a straight through, very quick stops for water but that's it - it's a pretty intense class and I can really see now why Lyna wants us to have been attending for a good few months before going on toning... of course knowing the basic steps doesn't make you immune from suffering from occasion bouts of "2-left-feet-itis" - like I did last night! it's a good job i know how to laugh at myself....

class finished and I was sore, tired and sweaty but i was buzzing!

by the time i got home my arms were pretty sore and my legs had turned to jelly which made getting up and down the stairs fun, I didn't sleep too great, I generally ached all over. in hindsight i should have taken some paracetamol... or a glass or 2 of wine!!

this morning my legs hurt - hell who am I kidding I hurt all over, but it was my legs that felt it the most - i still just fall to sitting coz my hamstrings are just SO sore and one of my university friends, Mary, took great delight in my pain today in class! but tonight, it's my glutes that are feeling it - yesterday I wouldn't have said there was anything specifically in the routines that worked the glutes, but evidently there was... it's quite weird thought how there's such a delayed reaction.
not that i am complaining (Well I am, coz it's bloody sore, but you know what I mean!) - not like my glutes couldn't use a little working... and they say "no pain, no gain"... well I hope 'they' are right - coz I'd hate to think I'm putting myself through this for nothing! lol

all in all, i loved it! i can't wait for my next class, and the fact I'm coming up from London especially in time to be able attend should speak volumes!

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