About Me

I am 32 years young, mad mummy of 3 (10, 17 &19), wife to Paul (for 10 years), new qualified Learning Disabilities Nurse and owner of lots of animals!

Thursday 23 August 2012

the start of the new me, maybe?

well, considering I've done bugger all exercise for nearly a year (yes I know, naughty!), my measurements haven't changed much. OK I'm not as toned as before, but can't have it all...

I'm quite chuffed with that, coz I worked bloody hard to get to this point.

and no I don't know if my weight has changed, as a wise woman once told me to chuck the scales and go by measurements, and I've never looked back! 

I'm really making an effort to eat properly now, to do *some* exercise every day, even if it just walking the boy home from school (it's a 2 mile round trip, including a steep hill, I sweat, so it counts!), I'm yet to re-find my exercise mojo though. there are still some days when all I want to do is sleep because everything just feels all too much, but am hoping once the endorphins start kicking in again it'll all change. in fact today has been the first day in as long as i can remember where I haven't gone back to bed at some point during the day...

we just got a new dog too, Ollie. Ollie is a collie and is only about 6 months old and he has LOADS of energy - quite often this means me being leaped on at 5am... now as pretty much anyone who knows me will tell you, I don't DO mornings, especially over recent weeks when my sleep has been really poor at the best of times due to my anxiety levels and re-occuring nightmares, BUT because he's got so much energy, it means lots of walks, lots of playing chase out the back...

We adopted Ollie from Dogs Trust Glasgow last tuesday. Robbie sadly had to be put to sleep on July 1st as he took a massive seizure and never really recovered. He lost all sensation down his left side and didn't even have basic reflex responses to pain. he was 16, and although that is a mighty fine age for a GSD x Lab and we knew there wasn't long left, it didn't make it any easier having to make that decision. thankfully the vet was able to put him to sleep here, in the comfort of his own home. obviously having to deal with this so soon after losing mum was another emotional blow i really could have done without.

Sophie has spent pretty much her whole life with Robbie and so was really mourning the loss, we knew we had to get another dog before I went back to Uni so she wasn't in the house herself all day. so off after we came back from London over the summer Paul toddled to the rehoming centre and a week later Ollie joined the family. the similarities between Ollie and Robbie are sometimes quite scary - he's even got the same floppy left ear Robbie had, which is something we didn't discover until after we had decided to adopt him...

anyway, going off point.

I went to tesco a couple days ago and bought loads of whole foods (lots of stuff I'm not even sure what to do with!), wholegrain stuff, frozen berries, fresh veggies, salad, soya milk etc and yes, I'm even back onto the green tea (yack yack yack yack!)

now I've been nagged to death about my protein intake, which as a vegetarian is most people's point of concern, and I'll be honest - even though I fob people off and say it's fine, some days (weeks?) my protein intake is shockingly poor - so this has been my real focal point in my diet - and ya know what? actually as long as you eat sensibly then protein intake isn't all that much of an issue

my issue is that recently i've not been eating sensibly, a lot of days I don't have much of an appetite, and the days I do have an appetite all I want to eat is crap - so it's proving to be quite a challenge a) to make myself eat regularly and b) to eat good healthy stuff when I do eat.

I am already feeling better for it, from the inside. now all i need to do is keep it up!

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