About Me

I am 32 years young, mad mummy of 3 (10, 17 &19), wife to Paul (for 10 years), new qualified Learning Disabilities Nurse and owner of lots of animals!

Friday 24 August 2012

it's not just me on a diet...

... the kids are too

not that they know that *shuuuuuuuuuush!*

I will admit I am one of those parents who show their love by feeding their kids to death. not any more though!

Caelan has always been a solidly built lad, ever since he was born, he's never been one of those really skinny kids - but over recent months he's gone a little bit beyond just being 'solid', and that's my fault. it really hit home when towards the end of P3 (having just turned 8) he was at the stage of not being able to do up his 9-10yrs school trousers. I did a NHS children's BMI calculator and it came out that he was into the overweight category....

so no more meals the size his brothers get, no more piling on the extra chips onto their plates just because I didn't want a bag with only a handful left in, there is more variety, there is more veg, there's wholemeal/ wholegrain/ brown stuff snuck in where I can sneak it in. things are being oven cooked instead of fried.

Caelan is going for walks with the boys when they take the dogs, and we're walking to and from school most days (weather permitting).

and it seems to be working - his trousers now fit nicely and actually have a bit of room in them too! (wish the same could be said for mine!)

meal times are proving to be quite tricky though, because C is on healthy eating/ controlled portions - as is D, but K is skin and bone and could really do with beefing up a bit (he honestly looks like we've not fed him in months! he has an OK appetite and will eat pretty much anything, but his motabolism is through the roof!), so i'm trying to increase the calorific content of K's meals without increasing C's or D's....

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